Blanchardville/Hollandale Area Fund & Pecatonica Excellence in Education Fund Award 2020 Grants

The Advisory Board of the Blanchardville / Hollandale Area Fund (BHAF) and Pecatonica Excellence in Education Fund awarded grants in excess of $15,000 to the following organizations.

  • Pecatonica Area School District: Opera For the Young, Elementary Makerspace, Pottery Wheel, Wild & Scenic Environmental Films
  • Seniors United for Nutrition: Reusable Trays & Insulated Bag
  • Blanchardville Community Pride: Farmers Market Promotions, Replacement of Main Street Banners
  • Village of Hollandale: Library Windows, Park Bases & Netting
  • Blanchardville EMS: High-Fidelity Simulation Training Equipment
  • Blanchardville Fire Dept: Personal Protection Equipment Upgrade

The Blanchardville / Hollandale Area Fund and the Pecatonica EIE are components of the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin, a non-profit public foundation serving eight southern Wisconsin counties.

The Blanchardville / Hollandale Area Fund was established in 2007. BHAF has given more than $138,000 to the area community organizations. A wide array of interests, including the arts, education, recreation, heath care, human services, social services, benefit from these grants which assist all Blanchardville & Hollandale residents in all age groups.The Pecatonica Excellence in Education (EIE) Fund is an endowment fund that provides private resources for the support the Pecatonica Area Schools. Grants from the fund enhance educational programs, offer extended educational opportunities, encourage innovation, and recognize the achievements of students and staff. The Fund was established in 2010 with donations from Blanchardville/Hollandale area citizens.

Current advisory board members are Kaye Gilbertson, Vern Masse, Connie Harker, Barb Ryan, Meg Pokorny & Paul Saether.

For more information on the Blanchardville / Hollandale Area Fund, Pecatonica Excellence in Education Fund or the Community Foundation of Southern WI, Inc. contact Linda Gebhardt, Donor Service, Green/Lafayette Counties, PO Box 733, Monroe, WI 53566, (608) 758-0883, [email protected].

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