Lafayette County Bluebird Society Legacy Fund
Home » Lafayette County Bluebird Society Legacy Fund
About The Fund
Our Mission
To provide grants to support bird conservation, preservation and education projects and programs serving within the Driftless Area counties of southwest Wisconsin (including, but not limited to, Lafayette, Grant, Iowa, Dane, Green, Rock, Sauk, and Columbia).
How does the Lafayette County Bluebird Society Legacy Fund work?
The Lafayette County Bluebird Society Legacy Fund (LCBS) is a component of the Community Foundation. The LCBS Advisory Board is comprised of community volunteers who assist in the review of annual grant applications.
Preference will be given to projects and programs that include Lafayette County, Wisconsin as a component of the request. Grant requests from organizations that include bird conservation as their main mission will have a higher priority during grant evaluation. Please note, grants for citizen science projects and academic studies that support bird conservation may be considered.
It is recommended that applications not exceed $3,500 per request.
About Our Awards
2024 Grant Applications
Seeking proposals from 501(c)(3) charitable organizations and municipalities offering projects or programs that serve the needs of the Lafayette County Bluebird Society Legacy Fund. Requests from individuals are not eligible. Grant applications are available here and must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM September 15.Invest In Your Community
c/o The Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin
P.O. Box 8125
Janesville, WI 53547-8125
Advisory Board Members
The Fund is advised by a committee of community volunteers who initiate fundraising activities and determine grant awards: