The funds listed on this page use a competitive grant process. Select the fund to obtain further information on criteria and to access the application.
Application Deadline | Grant Awarded | |
Monticello Excellence in Education Fund | October 15 | TBD |
New Glarus Community Foundation | October 15 | TBD |
New Glarus Excellence in Education Fund | October 15 | TBD |
Black Hawk Excellence in Education Fund | April 1 | TBD |
Monroe Fund | April 15 | mid June |
Monroe Excellence in Education Fund | April 1 | TBD |
Juda Excellence in Education Fund | November 1 | TBD |
Grantseeker Resources
- Application guidelines
- Grant progress report
- Open grant applications - all counties
- Crawford County grant opportunities
- Grant County grant opportunities
- Green County grant opportunities
- Iowa County grant opportunities
- Lafayette County grant opportunities
- Rock County grant opportunities
- Sauk County grant opportunities
- Vernon County grant opportunities
- Walworth County grant opportunities