Parkview Community Fund

About The Fund

The Parkview Community Fund was established in 2024 as a charitable option for current and former residents to make gifts within the Parkview School District area, including the towns/townships of:

  • Avon
  • Center
  • Footville
  • Hanover
  • Magnolia
  • Newark
  • Ordfordville
  • Plymouth
  • Rock
  • Spring Valley

Our Mission is to create a vehicle for local community members, donors, businesses to give back to our communities through charitable contributions. Donations to the Parkview Community Fund qualify as a charitable gift and are placed into a permanent endowment fund. All gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Annually, a percentage of the Fund’s earnings are given back as grants to our communities that make up the Parkview School District. Grants may be awarded to support historical and environmental preservation, education, health care, youth programs, community development, human services, arts education, public safely, etc. Grant applications may be accepted to nonprofits, schools, government and churches serving the Parkview School District area.

About Our Awards

The Parkview Community Fund Advisory Board is made up of local volunteers that will annually review area grant applications and recommend recipients. $50,000 Fundraising Challenge  The Parkview Community Fund has been challenged to raise $50,000 to establish a permanent endowment to assist in addressing the local needs both today and in the future.
Annual grant application deadline: To be announced
Annual grant application deadline: To be announced

CFSW Contact

DeeDee Williams Headshot
Deedra Williams
Phone: 608-758-0083 ext. 7005

Advisory Board Members

The Fund is advised by a committee of community volunteers who initiate fundraising activities and determine grant awards:

Carla Edgar, Co-Chair
Candace Thompson, Co-Chair
Samantha Freitag
Danielle Harnack
Glenda Mullen