Important! Please read first:​
Scholarship Application Process
Listed below are all scholarships available to Elkhorn-The Career and College Academy students, sorted by application type.
Most scholarship funds have specific eligibility requirements established by the donor, such as enrollment at a particular high school or specialization in a particular field of study. Also, most scholarship funds base selection on financial need, academic performance, extracurricular activities, volunteer/community service, or other talents.
Click each application type to learn more about how to apply for these scholarships.
The application deadline for most scholarships is March 1.
ONE application is all that’s needed to apply to multiple scholarships. The online application process will alert you of eligibility during the completion of the online app. For example, if you read the descriptions of scholarships and plan to apply to several you still only need to complete one online app. Based on information in your application, you will be presented with those scholarships for which you are eligible to apply. Simply select yes or no for each scholarship listed for you. We suggest you write down the names of the scholarships before you begin the online process.
For your convenience, we offer a guide to our online application process:
Many scholarships have printable Word Documents as their application. Simply click on the scholarship name and it will take you to a document for you to download and complete. You must complete one for EACH scholarship with a printable application. Instructions for submission are included in the document.
Several scholarships applications are available only through your school’s guidance counselor. If you find a scholarship listed under in-school apps, please see your guidance counselor office for an application.

Questions about the application process?
If you have any questions about the application process, or issues with the online application website, please contact Jackie Ommodt, Director of Grants & Scholarships.
Phone: (608) 758-0883
Email: [email protected]
Scholarship list available for Elkhorn-The Career and College Academy
Click each application type to view all scholarships in that category:
- All
- In-School
- No Application Required
- Online
- Printable